Friday, May 25, 2007

Delhi heat

The ovation 2007 needed me to test as to how robust my tummy was. And it was indeed a great experience as i tried most of the clean street vendors. Astonishingly i had found that none had an effect on me. I guessed that the heat was doing the digestion on behalf of my tummy.

This provoked me to eat at a rate never before. And the mouth-feel with the new found taste added to the intake. Little did i know what was coming up.

3 days of fun, frolic, food and zilch excercise i returned to Colombo with a heavy stomach and light heart. Monday morning was fine. Tuesday morning i felt the tummy grumble. The rest of Tuesday was a killer. Wednesday was murderous. My system had been bugged by delhi food and the Heat. Whow, even now thinkin about it i am getting stomach cramps.

Thank god to moms home made medicine and grandma's tummy rescue tips, i recovered in less than a day.

Today i pen this down with a well regulated system. Phew....what a close call!

Delhi a killer.....!

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