Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Tainted ruby of the 7 Seas

The Scandinavians today were the mighty nomads ages ago, who could not stop ruthless massacre. The scotts today were a breakaway of the mighty Vikings who would do anything for money or resources, but till date not fought for themselves. The English were once the largest in slavery. The Romans were the greediest who preach on the sanctum of peace today. The Americans are a break away who felt they could not live in Europe and the Australians convicted criminals.

The funny part is that we have all these nations claiming responsibility towards a better Sri Lanka. How pathetic.

We belong to the original Dravidian crème, who believed in peace, love, harmony. This is what has pushed us from our rightful Mohan/Harappa civilisation zone down to South India or Sri Lanka. Why? We were too humble to fight for ourselves against newcomers, but ever ready to kill for a penny’s worth within our own race / creed. This is who we are. This is who we shall be, and this will remain as the advantage for the rest of the world.

We talk about the government, LTTE, and bull crap...true. The problem started because the minority Tamils wanted more seats in parliament. The Black July in 1983 thanks to JR. The assassination of Rajiv followed by Premadasa, Lalith, Dissanayake and so on. We have lost more talent per square area than any part of the world. We have lost our self respect. We led the form of human bombs. We showed the world ruthlessness in its smartest way.

For what?
Parents without kids, kids without parents, raped women, massacred men, brainwashed humans, epileptical children, mind blogged elders and the list goes on. Genocide at its best as I would call it, be it Sinhala, Tamil muslim or whoever you are.

One part thanks that the war is coming to an end while the other thinks about the anger brewing within those who lost loved ones. The last 30 years has shed so much of blood that the vengeance shall remain for a while...hope not forever. Thanks to those filthy retards a generation back who never thought as much of the consequences of the pen, our country is in turmoil.

Will this be the end or the beginning? Time will answer. Hope it proves to be the best healer.

Ive always wanted the pearl of the Indian Ocean and have been gifted with the Tainted Ruby.

The war is over...I hope. The ethnic conflict is over...I hope. The differences between the sinhalese and Tamils are over ...I hope. The new generation is born...I hope. I hope, that hope itself would cease to be a dream.

Lets wait an see...thats what we could do at the most...!
