The World Cup has seen bismal performances, great records, hard retirements, convicted murders, heartsinking inquiries, great sportsmanship and poor umpiring. The list does not end there but keeps going...on and on!
We have now stepped into the grand finale to be on show tomorrow between the Sri Lankan Lions and Australian Kangaroos. It is indeed told that the 'Roos have not lost a match for the whole event, but they lack in spiritual leadership that the Sri Lankans have shown. May it be loss or victory, they have enjoyed the game. Played it to perfection. Kept the audience in par with great entertainment. Is that not what sports is about?
Its keeping that in mind, looking at the greatest Saturday cricket shall see for this year, I wish the best of the teams to win. Being a Lion myself, would like to see them prowl and roar the victorious triumph.
Go Lion...Go!